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The only arcade game Beci Orpin grew up playing was Street Fighter – ‘mostly because I thought Chun-Li was cool and it was fun seeing her beat the crap out of Ken,’ she says. Learn how she became such a gun in the Melbourne visual arts world – and how she cooked up our 8-bit-inspired Radiothon artwork.
We may only be a few days into Radiothon, but we've already made a stack of ace memories. From Zero-G's phenomenal costumes to phoneroom funtimes, Radiothon is quite simply the most heart-warming time of year.
To learn more about what inspires our volunteer broadcasters, we thought we'd sit down and ask a few of them why they're so passionate about the Rs.
We were bloody stoked that local legend DJ Peril, founder of 1200 Techniques, wanted to pay tribute to The Ghost in the form of a mural on our garage door. See how this iconic artwork came together on the first day of Radiothon 2019.
They brought so much love into the Perfomance Space last week. Now stream their beautiful set and discover why The Teskeys are blowing up, right around the world.
Super-groovy news, friends: there’s a new Triple R t-shirt available in the online shop! Featuring original commissioned artwork by Scottish, Melbourne-based illustrator Lynn Bremner, this tee makes a rad addition to anyone’s wardrobe... including yours.
Painter, musician, collector – Lucy Roleff's vocations are varied, but all of them link to form an appreciation of the spaces we inhabit, a feeling explored on her new album Left Open in a Room. Nicholas Kennedy interviews Lucy on her connections with art, music, success, and domesticity.
Did you know that John Waters thinks up his films in Baltimore bar and grill joints, while truck drivers ‘gobble their breakfast and ignore him’? Learn all about the Hairspray filmmaker with Plato’s Cave presenter Sally Christie.
They’re not all brothers; they started out busking at local farmers’ markets; and they still call Warrandyte home.
Triple R volunteer writer Georgia Marchesi gave up grog for Dry July and discovered – to her surprise – that she didn’t actually need it as a social lubricant.
Gilles Peterson is no stranger to compilations – he’s put together and released over 100 of them – but this is one specific and special to Melbourne’s flourishing jazz scene.
Really cool to see our very own Ennio Styles guest hosting the Bandcamp Weekly!
We are deeply saddened that Stephen ‘The Ghost’ Walker has passed away.
To commemorate the passing of The Ghost, we’ve assembled some archival photos of the legendary Triple R broadcaster.
We’re pretty damn chuffed to see so many talented RRR folks appearing at Changes Festival this week – from Neon Sunset’s Annaliese talking music and podcasts, to Still Here host Neil Morris hosting a conversation about what a perfect future working with sound looks like for First Peoples, and so much more.
Thanks to everyone who came along to the Community Cup on Sunday. It was an awesome day with an awesome vibe – and most awesomely of all… we won! Cop a quiz at these snaps to re-live the glory of the Hertz.
The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre are holding their annual Telethon to raise funds for people seeking asylum this coming Thursday – and Triple R’s Breakfasters will join them live in their phone room from 6am to 9am.
Brisbane-based future-soul artist Tiana Khasi (performing live for Triple R subscribers soon) is proud of her Khasi heritage. The society is stridently matrilineal: the youngest daughter of the family inherits all property; men live in their mother-in-law’s house after marriage; and children take their mother’s surname.
She reckons ‘we’re all a bit fucked up’; her latest album title is inspired by a computer pop-up; and she aspires to have a job helping people to get in touch with their emotions.
Triple R volunteer Kelly Herbison was born on the day The Who released their rock opera Tommy (albeit many years later). With a Who-obsessed father, the music not only provided her with a window to his life, it also provided an entry point into complex social issues.