Listen to Cabin Boy Brett, Edie's plan to save endangered sharks & trout addicted to meth46:3918 July 2021

This week, Bron and Dr Beach take out their sorting brushes and see what’s what in the Marinara petri dish…
• Our Cabin Boy Brett Ditchfield talks about three different mooring systems – jetties, piers and wharves.
• A couple of weeks ago we were contacted by RRR subscriber Felix to let us know that his daughter Edie was deeply concerned about the plight of endangered sharks, and had come up with a 5-point plan to save them. We’ll be talking to Edie and her Dad about her plan, why sharks are so important to her, and what she hopes to do to spread the word to ensure their survival. Edie has a special connection to RRR, and we'll find out all about that too.
• Then Dr Beach talks meth-addicted trout. Because, why not?!

We catch up with Dave Donnelly about whale migrations, including a story of a lost baby orca lost off the NZ coast near Wellington. And we'll touch on this week’s news including a ban on releasing helium balloons into the air, and Parks Vic's proposed work at Flinders Pier.

About this program

The team continues the great Marinara tradition of bringing you a quirky but informative look at all that is marine. Get to know all things wet and salty.

Segments: Rex Hunter, Neil Blake, Jeff Maynard, Ben Francischelli

Dive Reporters: Cara Hull, Myra Kelly 

Tech: Rachel Connor, Nereaders Digest. 

Podcast: David Turner

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.