Bron Burton

Bron Burton at the 20th anniversary of Radio Marinara live broadcast.
Photo by Campbell Manderson.
Presents Radio Marinara
The team continues the great Marinara tradition of bringing you a quirky but informative look at all that is marine.
How did you first connect with Triple R?
One lunchtime in the mid-80s I was drawn to the faint sounds of the Triffids coming from a classroom at school. Until then I'd only listened to Top 20 commercial radio - I didn't even know there was another option! The sound was coming from a radio brought in by one of my classmates tuned to 102.7 FM. Twelve months later in 1987 a friend gave me my first RRR subscription for my 18th birthday. It changed my life forever.
What/when was your first show?
Radio Marinara, I started in 1999.
What's your favourite Triple R story?
Every Radiothon is my favourite Triple R story. I'm glued to the radio for the full 10 days, listening to our Triple R family all come together from all over the world. I love every single show, the passion and dedication of all broadcasters, and the threads that bind us all together. The themes every year can sometimes be a challenge for us - linking space to the marine environment was interesting!
Nearly giving birth on air during the 2007 Radiothon was a particular Radiothon highlight. I'd been in labour for about 10 hours the night before our second Radiothon show and at 7.30am well after my waters had broken, I started getting ready to head in to do the show. Luckily my partner managed to convinced me not to drive 30km in the wrong direction to RRR when I'd been in labour all night. I really didn't see the problem - the show after Marinara is broadcast by doctors. What could go wrong? Nothing gets in the way of Radiothon.
I love all times that we can all come together - the Community Cup, previous events like the RRR balls and recently JVGs BBQ day - each one of these makes its own favourite story. We're so very fortunate to be part of this amazing community and family.
Your favourite other Triple R program and why?
That's a 'who's your favourite child' question. Previously I answered 'Skull Cave' to this question. I love the entire grid.
What does Triple R mean to you?
RRRespect - for the listener, the artists, the music and the community.
The studio door has accidentally jammed shut with you stuck inside. If there was only one CD in there with you what would you want it to be and why?
Miles Davis' Kind of Blue. Easy.
Read more about Bron in this interview with Environment Education Victoria.