Listen to Ocean Grooves, Prehistoric Sealife and Training Jellyfish48:558 October 2023

On World Octopus Day, musical guests Mal Webb and Kylie Morrigan join us live for a special sea-renade. Coastal palaeontologist Ben Francischelli geeks out on megafauna and eastern quolls. Dive reporter Cara Hull sings the praises of the Great Southern Reef and Dr Beach teaches us how to train a brainless box jellyfish.

About this program

The team continues the great Marinara tradition of bringing you a quirky but informative look at all that is marine. Get to know all things wet and salty.

Segments: Rex Hunter, Neil Blake, Jeff Maynard, Ben Francischelli

Dive Reporters: Cara Hull, Myra Kelly 

Tech: Rachel Connor, Nereaders Digest. 

Podcast: David Turner

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.