Janelle Johnstone is one of the brilliant minds behind Rah! Rah! 2.2: A Feminist Punk Retrospective of Melbourne Music, and she joins Annaliese to talk about the forthcoming event happening as part of Leaps and Bounds festival.
“[It’s about] turning down the volume on what dudes have been up to for the last three or four decades and taking a closer listen to what has been happening for women and gender diverse artists in Melbourne,” Janelle explains.
Taking place on Saturday, July 2 at the Abbotsford Convent, Rah! Rah! 2.2 is an arfternoon of talks panels and intimate performances featuring some of Melbourne’s finest noise makers including: LJ Dacio (Dacios/ Little Ugly Girls), Amanda Roff (Time for Dreams/ Harmony) and Annaliese herself.
Janelle and Annaliese talk about what to expect from the afternoon and how they hope the event will set a different narrative for Melbourne music.
Listen to the full interview below.
Head here for tickets to the event.