Listen to The Graveyard Shift – 6 April 2020
Presented by Midge Tube
Playlist for The Graveyard Shift – 6 April 2020
- HoneymoonThe Teskey Brothers
- Hold MeThe Teskey Brothers
- Paint My HeartThe Teskey Brothers
- Nobody Walkin'Tim Buckley
- Get on TopTim Buckley
- Everybody Here Wants YouJeff Buckley
- The Rolling StonesThe Special
- The Rolling StonesTerry McCarthy Special
- BandanaFenn Wilson
- BaudelaireBait
- Logan's BeachGena Rose Bruce
- One Chord Too ManyGirlatones
- There Flies a SeagullGrace Cummings
- Fall Around MeThe Killjoys
- Blood On The WindscreenSuzi Stapleton
- Anthem (LIVE)Tiddas
- Fine Day Grounds Report With KookaburrasForest Radio
- What Is LoveEmma Russack
- M3 pt. 1Spherical
- I Hate ItBloods
- Bassem SabryOf Montreal
- Rolling OnThe Murlocs
- Freebird IIParquet Courts
- Drunk n DisorderlyThe Chats
- NeuroplasticityThe Peep Tempel
- Mr RobotoStyx
- HelicopterXTC
- Black Moon SpellKing Tuff
- Gacked on AngerAmyl & The Sniffers
- Holding Down A DHunters & Collectors
- PanicAnnie Hamilton
- Kiss HimDavid McComb
- Let Me BeDaniel Trakell
- RevelatorGillian Welch
- Aeroplane BathroomGordi
- Never TellViolent Femmes
- HopeCable Ties
- Indiginous Land DRMNGnow
- RamrodHellbelly Lofi
About this program
Presented by our various Graveyarders.
The Graveyard Shift. A lucky dip of presenters and musical styles to while away the wee hours here in Melbourne or any time zone around the globe that you may find yourself in.
Whoever is in the chair, you can drop them a line via our Facebook page.