Listen to Graveyard Shift – 6 August 2022
Presented by Saatana Lee Rose
Playlist for Graveyard Shift – 6 August 2022
- Sponge Bob Squarepants Theme SongBlaise Smith, Mark Harrison and Steven Hillenburg
- Pirates of the Caribbean Theme SongIntermezzo Orchestra
- Hoist the ColoursHans Zimmer, Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio
- WellermanNathan Evans
- Drunken SailorIrish Rovers
- Spanish LadiesThe Longest Johns
- Fish In The SeaMichael Schrey
- Sea Shanty 2Ian Taylor
- Rockstar Sea ShantyNickleback & The Lottery Winners
- Haul Away JoeFiddlers Green
- Blood Red RosesStormy Weather Choir
- Bulley In The AlleyKimber's Men
- The Coast of High BarbaryThe Jolly Rogers
- A Pirate's LifeJud Conlon and Oliver Wallace
- Eliza LeeDreadnoughts
- Fish In The SeaFat Freddy's Drop
- Rooms On FireStevie Nicks
- I was Dancing in the Lesbian BarJonathan Richmand
- You're The OneGreta Van Fleet
- Don't be so hard on yourselfAlex Lahey
- Generation WhyKisschasy
- So hot you're hurting my feelingsCAROLINE POLACHEK
- Send It!Hooligans He's
- IntrovertLittle Sims
- Dad VibesLimp Bizkit
- Smoko The Chats
- You Can't Count On MeTrophy Eyes
- You Fingered Me WeirdDicklord
About this program
A space for new and emerging broadcasters on Triple R. Presented by rotating hosts.