Listen to Graveyard Shift – 28 August 2021
Presented by Iain McNicol
Playlist for Graveyard Shift – 28 August 2021
- Salubrious OccasionPERSECUTION BLUES
- Hell YesThe Visitors
- InadequacyMoaning Lisa
- Do ItRollins Band
- That's When I Reach For My RevolverMission of Burma
- SecurityAmyl and the Sniffers
- Sitting Round At HomeBuzzcocks
- ElocutionSleaford Mods
- Janie JonesThe Clash
- Darkness HeartRon S. Peno & The Superstitions
- Hey WanhakaKing Stingray
- NightshiftThe Cosmic Psychos
- Slow LearnerViagra Boys
- Love's Gone AgainStar Crawler
- In the StoneThe Goon Sax
- Not A Soul AroundEd Kuepper
- Personality CrisisNew York Dolls
- LaniCable Ties
- Money Changes EverythingCyndi Lauper
- FeverBlake Scott
- Man with Golden HelmetRadio Birdman
About this program
A space for new and emerging broadcasters on Triple R. Presented by rotating hosts.