Listen to Banana Lounge Broadcasting – 28 January 2020
Presented by Sophie Miles filling in for Dave Graney
Playlist for Banana Lounge Broadcasting – 28 January 2020
- Don't Be Afraid, You're Already DeadAkron/Family
- God Is Alive, Magic Is AfootBuffy Sainte-Marie
- Flaming TelepathEspers
- Living With FugitiveSinead O'Brien
- Rubber Hunger(Mama Never Taught Me How To Cook-The Aura Years 1978-82)ANNETTE PEACOCK
- We Travel The SpacewaysJune Tyson
- Rain DanceHerbie Hancock
- Up With PeopleLambchop
- UnknownLeo Takami
- View From My windowHiroshi Yoshimura
- I Believe In YouTalk Talk
- MarkosLena Platonos
- Heptapod BJohan Johannson
- My Island HomeWarumpi Band
About this program
Dave Graney presents BLB with each week, promising dashes of "old time weirdness" and lashings of contemporary (mainly Australian) sounds. BLB recognises that everybody is right about music but BLB is just MORE RIGHT. RIGHTER. RIGHT OFF. BLB is proudly on the grid but also very much capable of being OFF THE GRID. Playing lots of contemporary Australian music by young and old artists. May contain traces of JAZZ. Aiming to have interviews and guests regularly from the arts, literary, film, comedy and music world.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/BananaLoungeBroadcasting/