Samira Farah
Photo by Adella Muorwel
Travellin Light
A sound exploration in the lives and travels of jazz and blues musicians from around the world
The Score
A weekly in-depth exploration of arts, culture and media, featuring deep-dive interviews alongside an eclectic mix of music.
How and when did you first connect with Triple R?
I started doing fill ins for a variety of shows including the amazing The Rap hosted by Areej Nur. Then during the pandemic I had the chance to host a ‘pop up’ show all about jazz musicians that I loved doing.
What does Triple R mean to you?
Community and listeners that are so invested in the station and keeping it alive. As someone who has been doing radio across Sydney and Melbourne for the last 6 years, I’ve never felt the kind of connection that Melbourne listeners have to Triple R and it’s amazing to be a part of it.
What's your favourite Triple R story?
My first Monday morning of being a guest Breakfasters and having everything that could go wrong, actually go wrong. But after that, felt like anything was possible.
Describe your happy place.
My happy place would be me at a really great music gig or an outdoor performance situated within an art gallery surrounded by my friends on a warm autumn weekend. Art and music? Win.
The studio door has accidentally jammed shut with you stuck inside. If there was only one album in there with you, what would you want it to be, and why?
Without a doubt or hesitation, it would be The Score by the Fugees. I have probably played this album to death and will continue to do so. Also the mix of slower jams and high tempo means I could at least survive a few hours before someone found me.