Clara Slewa

Clara Slewa Velvet Haze presenter and program image


Sunrise Serenity

Rise into your morning and journey through a sonic awakening with Clara

Velvet Haze

Journey through space, time and mind on a sonic odyssey, with the gods of soul, funk, disco, reggae, blues, rock and more.

How and when did you first connect with Triple R?

I had come back from living in Amsterdam in 2018 and really wanted to surround myself with the music community so I applied for a whole bunch of Radiothon phone room volunteer shifts that year and the rest is history.

What does Triple R mean to you?

Pocket of humanity that encapsulates genuine values.

What's your favourite Triple R story?

Radiothon 2018, I had a late night phone room volunteer shift from 10pm-2am and I was the only volunteer that rocked up with Bec, the program manager co-ordinating the shift. We both ended up having a really great, cheeky night haha.

Describe your happy place

Anywhere with Mary-Jane by my side.

The studio door has accidentally jammed shut with you stuck inside. If there was only one album in there with you, what would you want it to be, and why?

Jack Kerouac's company would be great, listening to his album Poetry From The Beat Generation with Steve Allen playing keys in the background. I could fall asleep to that man rambling on and on.

Clara Slewa’s programs

Latest episodes

Clara Slewa Velvet Haze presenter and program image

Velvet Haze – 20 July 2024

8pm Sat 20 Jul 2024
Clara Slewa Velvet Haze presenter and program image

Velvet Haze – 13 July 2024

8pm Sat 13 Jul 2024
Clara Slewa Velvet Haze presenter and program image

Velvet Haze – 6 July 2024

8pm Sat 6 Jul 2024
Clara Slewa Velvet Haze presenter and program image

Velvet Haze – 29 June 2024

8pm Sat 29 Jun 2024
Clara Slewa Velvet Haze presenter and program image

Velvet Haze – 22 June 2024

8pm Sat 22 Jun 2024
Live at RRR (2023) - Naomi Lee Beveridge

Live at RRR: Parsnip

7pm Fri 21 Jun 2024
Clara Slewa Velvet Haze presenter and program image

Velvet Haze – 15 June 2024

8pm Sat 15 Jun 2024
Clara Slewa Velvet Haze presenter and program image

Velvet Haze – 8 June 2024

8pm Sat 8 Jun 2024
Clara Slewa Velvet Haze presenter and program image

Velvet Haze – 1 June 2024

8pm Sat 1 Jun 2024
Clara Slewa Velvet Haze presenter and program image

Velvet Haze – 25 May 2024

8pm Sat 25 May 2024