Cameron Smith

Cam Smith Broadcaster Image

Presents Eat It

Food for thought: recipes, hints and tips, interviews and a market report.

How did you first connect with Triple R?

My first experience with the mighty R's was listening to it in its first incarnation: 3RMT.

The first time I tried to listen to it was disappointing as living in Beaumaris in the South Eastern suburbs was a long way away from the small footprint that the station had at the time. This was a long time before any transmitter radiothons had been contemplated. Undeterred I found that if I got up on the roof of the house with a pretty bulky Fm radio I could finally listen to this very different station. It wasn't very comfortable and my mum thought I was crazy but it was so worth it.

What/when was your first show?

The first incarnation of EAT IT! Started in 1987 as a half hour show on Sunday at noon with Martin Fripp Producing and Matthew Nevett as co-host.

What's your favourite Triple R story?

Interviewing Sam Twining of the colonial tea empire and seeing his face when I told him that I preferred Jacksons Earl Grey was pretty good (I think he was a bit horrified to be doing an interview in a warehouse).

Getting a guy called Andrew Dowd to make us Mai Tais on air seemed like a good idea at the time and wow did they taste good! Unfortunately after about the third one which we had outside the on air studio we got just a little bit rowdy. An impromptu game of hall soccer with a scrunched up piece of paper as the ball got a bit noisy and boisterous and I remember the girl who was trying to do her Sunday arts show had to come out and tell us to shut the **** up as she was trying to do a radio show. I think I might have called her a cheddar head. Our relationship was a bit strained after that.

Your favourite other Triple R program and why?

Skull Cave, easy...

This may be clichéd. Actually it definitely is clichéd but Stephen Walker has been the doorway to so much music and philosophy through the years.

What does Triple R mean to you?

Free speech and the flowing of ideas unencumbered by commercial interests.

The studio door has accidentally jammed shut with you stuck inside. If there was only one CD in there with you what would you want it to be and why?

I've been pondering this one for a while now...

The Pixies Doolittle, it was a revelation then and still sounds great.

Best hangover cure?

A bloody good Mary. (Antidote and poison in the same glass) and a club sandwich: they aren't that hard to make at home and making it takes the mind off the pain.

Cameron Smith’s programs

Latest episodes

Eat It feature program image #2

Eat It – 21 July 2024

12pm Sun 21 Jul 2024
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Eat It – 14 July 2024

12pm Sun 14 Jul 2024
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Eat It – 7 July 2024

12pm Sun 7 Jul 2024
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Eat It – 30 June 2024

12pm Sun 30 Jun 2024
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Eat It – 23 June 2024

12pm Sun 23 Jun 2024
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Eat It – 16 June 2024

12pm Sun 16 Jun 2024
Eat It feature program image #2

Eat It – 9 June 2024

12pm Sun 9 Jun 2024
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Eat It – 2 June 2024

12pm Sun 2 Jun 2024
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Eat It – 26 May 2024

12pm Sun 26 May 2024
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Eat It – 19 May 2024

12pm Sun 19 May 2024