SELECT ALL - ALBUM ANNIVERSARY SHOW with Terra Rouge + Heartbreaker


7:30 pmThursday, 2 May


John Curtin Hotel

29 Lygon St, Carlton

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Select All is an underground grunge four-piece hailing from Melbourne, Australia. The band undercuts their noisy, gritty guitar tones, surrealist lyrics and angsty attitudes with enough pop melodicism to create a sound unlike anything average listeners have heard before. Celebrating the one year anniversary of their album ‘Lungs From the Bones,’ they promise to provide an amazing show!

Heartbreaker, led by Melbourne-based multi-instrumentalist Mitch Bateman, is a dark and intense alternative rock act. Fusing industrial guitar riffs, powerful drums, haunting synths, and aggressive vocals, their live performances deliver a raw, unhinged energy, making them a compelling force in the alternative rock scene.

Performing as Terra Rouge, Brianna Brady, a young vocalist and multi-instrumentalist based in Victoria opens the show. Her music combines gritty guitar chords, punchy vocals, and immersive melodies to create an energetic and grungy sound.

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