A decade ago, Rebecca Barnard created the Caravan Sing-a-long Society. A handful of warblers turned into a throng, when Billy Miller joined in, adding his ‘human jukebox’ talents to Rebecca’s warmth, that handful of warblers turned into a throng.
With spontaneity the key ingredient, Rebecca and Billy used their legendary singing and performing ability to create a monthly singalong night that has been sold out for several years.
The Caravan Choir (with Rebecca and Billy out the front) has been a regular highlight at the Sacred Heart of St Kilda Concert for many years, performing with household names like Colleen Hewitt, Tim Rogers and Red Symons, to name but a few.
Venue details
Memo Music Hall
88 Acland St, St Kilda VIC 3182
- (03) 9534 3556
- http://memomusichall.com.au