From an episode of Banksia∙Presented by Vanessa Morris
Banksia: Bumpy reflects on returning home to Noongar Boodja and creating performance Tooni
Noongar artist Bumpy joined Vanessa Morris on Banksia to talk the upcoming debut of performance Tooni with the Australian Art Orchestra at the Arts Centre as part of the Melbourne International Jazz Festival.
Bumpy reflected on the experience of returning home to Noongar Boodja which lead to the formation of Tooni which comprises pieces that act as a time stamp in her journey.
Building on the legacy of her Nanny Rose Whitehurst who created the first Noongar dictionary, Tooni will be performed in Noongar language.
She also spoke about upcoming show supporting Herbie Hancock before heading overseas with shows in the UK and Japan.
Upcoming Bumpy shows
Debut of performance Tooni with the Australian Art Orchestra at the Arts Centre on 18 October
With Herbie Hancock and Marcus Miller at the Sidney Myer Music Bowel on 19 October
Stay tuned to Bumpy for info on UK and Japan shows October and November
Image credit: Odessa Jones