Tony Biggs

Tony Biggs feature image

Tony Biggs

Presents On The Blower

Brunch dahling? Shut up, I'm on the blower.

How did you first connect with Triple R?

So I'd moved down from Sydney. One black mark (even though I'm originally from Brissie). For some reason, a reputation for wanton destruction at the previous station preceded me. Another black mark. 6 or 7 weeks of attempted meetings with the Ghost (program manager at the time) had proved futile. Finally a member of the Hair Bear Bunch named Craig Kamber snuck me into the Triple R xmas party at the Lounge and threw me in front of Stephen so a meeting was arranged. A good word from Viv Lees was probably all I had going for me. I've been grateful ever since for the chance Stephen and the station took.

What/when was your first show?

Does early 91 sound right? Saturday night following Mousetrap. The show was the Biggstain. Fitting, really.

What's your favourite Triple R story?

My favourite story is the whole story, much of it now in the book. Seriously, the fact that this station has attracted the amount of support that it has from this city, for over 30 years makes Johnny-come-latelies like Sydney's F.B.I appear as the corporate whores they actually are! Too harsh maybe? Nah, fuck'em.

Your favourite other Triple R program and why?

Today I'll say...ummm...New and Groovy. Johhny Topper is a national TREASURE!

What does Triple R mean to you?

It means my sanity. Now, that may not seem much to you but if you wouldn't mind tying these sleeves behind my back...

The studio door has accidentally jammed shut with you stuck inside. If there was only one CD in there with you what would you want it to be and why?

How about the first "Do the Pop" comp . Not the Redux, the first one. Failing that, a Trojan box set (fnar fnar) of rocksteady singles. Sweet.

Is anything more fun than a hessian bag full of feral cats ?

Anyone ?

Mister ?

Tony Biggs’s programs

Latest episodes

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