Rachel Short

Rachel Short Presenter Image

Photo by Xavier Fennell


Something Good

A kind place to go when you're feeling high or low.

Bright Lights

Whatever the weather.

How and when did you first connect with Triple R?

Radio was a huge part of my coming-of-age, as a kid growing up in rural Victoria. When I moved to Melbourne, it took me a few years to move from one national broadcaster to explore other frequencies. One night, I was shifting the dial when I stumbled across two voices engaging in pure hilarity on the air. It was Clem Bastow and Jess McGuire on I’d Rather Jack. I had never heard anything like it before, and I never would again. Roughly a decade later, my old friend and radio mentor Woody McDonald would hook me up to get trained on the panels. Life-changing stuff.

What does Triple R mean to you? 

For ages I wanted to leave Melbourne, but Triple R has become an anchor to this city for me. I have made so many amazing connections and strong friendships through the station, not to mention the opportunity to play bad footy in front of 12,000 mates. 

What's your favourite Triple R story?

There’s so many fun events I’ve been a part of at the station, but I’d have to say all my favourite notable Triple R times have been while filling in on Superfluity - especially with Clem (see above), but sharing the studio with Adam Christou, Simona Castricum, Casey and Christos (and being able to play music I’d never usually play on other shows) have been some of the funniest and weirdest times I’ve had on air.

Describe your happy place. 

Behind the mic at any time, but Cave Chaser will always have a very special place in my heart.

The studio door has accidentally jammed shut with you stuck inside. If there was only one CD in there with you what would you want it to be and why?

Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen, there’s not a single song on there I’d skip.

Rachel Short’s programs

Latest episodes

Bright Lights Program Image

Bright Lights – 26 July 2024

8pm Fri 26 Jul 2024
Bright Lights Program Image

Bright Lights – 19 July 2024

8pm Fri 19 Jul 2024
Bright Lights Program Image

Bright Lights – 12 July 2024

8pm Fri 12 Jul 2024
Bright Lights Program Image

Bright Lights – 5 July 2024

7pm Fri 5 Jul 2024
Bright Lights Program Image

Bright Lights – 28 June 2024

8pm Fri 28 Jun 2024
Bright Lights Program Image

Bright Lights – 21 June 2024

8pm Fri 21 Jun 2024
Bright Lights Program Image

Bright Lights – 14 June 2024

8pm Fri 14 Jun 2024
Bright Lights Program Image

Bright Lights – 7 June 2024

8pm Fri 7 Jun 2024
Bright Lights Program Image

Bright Lights – 31 May 2024

7pm Fri 31 May 2024
Bright Lights Program Image

Bright Lights – 24 May 2024

8pm Fri 24 May 2024