Jess Lilley

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Faster Horses

Triple R's summer design show, Faster Horses, returns with a look at what is happening around town in the world of design.


We live in a media saturated world. The news cycle moves at lightning speed and is impossible to ignore.

Spin Cycle

Spin Cycle aims to make sense of the 24/7 updates and hot takes we are bombarded with from media outlets, politicians and pundits all trying to own the narrative.

How and when did you first connect with Triple R?

I got switched onto RRR and PBS waaaaay back in the 1990s when I was at uni. I started volunteering and doing shows at PBS and was there for ten years, so I have long loved the public broadcaster community in Melbourne. I moved to London for eight years and when I moved back I threw my hat in the RRR ring to do some fill-in shows and have floated around the grid ever since.

What does Triple R mean to you?

RRR was invaluable in helping me feel grounded in my hometown again after many years away and reminding me how truly brilliant our city and community is. It has challenged me to stay engaged with big ideas and is a constant stream of new music. It has been a pandemic lifeline in lockdown, too – there are so many great shows and genius broadcasters on the RRR grid, it kept me feeling sane and connected with the world.

Describe your happy place.

My grandparents built an off-grid fibro shack down near Waratah Bay for their seven kids in the 1960s. It relied on big gas bottles to get the fridge and lights going and we had to hand pump water every morning for the taps and toilet. Even at the height of summer, the wild beach was isolated. Somewhere like that on a hot summer's day is probably my happy place. 

Any phobias?

Not that I know of.

All-time favourite snack?

I was vegetarian for years, then I ate chorizo and I was done for. Chorizo is pretty good.

Favourite book or movie?

Since having kids I can only read in tweets. If there was a book of tweets that would probably be my favourite. That said, I am in a book club that enforces sporadic reading and a recent one that I loved was Too Much Lip by Melissa Lucashenko. Her characters are huge and wonderful and she has an incredible ability to write something that feels funny and casual but is really very profound.

The studio door has accidentally jammed shut with you stuck inside. What five albums would you want in there with you and why?

Something On My Mind by Karen Dalton would most likely get a spin first – it has definitely gotten me through some tough times. Then Grace Jones, Nightclubbing, just to take my mind off the predicament. The Dirtbombs, Ultraglide In Black, to get the energy levels up. Then The Return by Sampa the Great because there is simply no occasion for which it isn't the right album to listen to. And finally PJ Harvey, Let England Shake, to inspire a breakout.

Jess Lilley’s programs

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