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Amy Mullins

Presents Uncommon Sense

A weekly conversation about politics and current events, international affairs, history, art, books, and the natural world, to illuminate the issues faced by society and explore them in new ways.

How did you first connect with Triple R?

In 2011, Michelle Bennett, then presenter of Triple R’s Spoke and producer for the Breakfasters asked me to do a book review on Breakfasters. I chose ‘Ill Fares The Land’ by the late historian Tony Judt. Funnily enough, it’s still my favourite book of all time and it was the start of something special with Triple R. I came in to talk federal politics with Ben Eltham (when he was doing fills for Spoke) in 2015-16, which was always great fun.

What/when was your first show?

My first and current show is this one, Uncommon Sense. I started on January 17, 2017 and am having a seriously good time. The first time I presented a show on air was when I did two fills at the end of 2016 for Room With A View and Spoke. A very memorable experience and it got me addicted. I love all the elements – the panelling, interviews, and music.

What's your favourite Triple R story?

There’ll be many more to come, but a recent story that springs to mind is during a show I discovered the studio phone wasn’t working. I had two phone interviews and four giveaways to do. In a matter of minutes, three people at the station jumped in to assist. We came up with a solution and no one was the wiser that I moved studios halfway through the show. There’s community spirit in pretty much everything I love about Triple R. Not sure what happened to the phone…

Your favourite other Triple R program and why?

I’ll answer this question assuming it’s supposed to be plural… All of them! To highlight a few I’ve been catching recently – Breakfasters, Breaking and Entering, and Stolen Moments.

What does Triple R mean to you?

A home away from home. It’s hard to leave every Tuesday after my show. The people are passionate, intelligent, kind and hilarious – they really make the place.

The studio door has accidentally jammed shut with you stuck inside. If there was only one CD in there with you, what would you want it to be, and why?

In my hypothetical scenario there would have to be two CD’s – Carus Thompson’s Acoustic At The Norfolk (2003), and Yann Tiersen’s C’etait Ici (2002) – both classic live albums. I might start with some folky dancing and a sing along with Carus, but if I’m stuck for longer than two hours, I’ll need to chill out by putting on some Yann.

Amy Mullins’s programs

Latest episodes

Uncommon Sense

Uncommon Sense – 23 July 2024

9am Tue 23 Jul 2024
Uncommon Sense

Uncommon Sense – 16 July 2024

9am Tue 16 Jul 2024
Uncommon Sense

Uncommon Sense – 9 July 2024

9am Tue 9 Jul 2024
Uncommon Sense

Uncommon Sense – 2 July 2024

9am Tue 2 Jul 2024
Uncommon Sense

Uncommon Sense – 25 June 2024

9am Tue 25 Jun 2024
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Uncommon Sense – 18 June 2024

9am Tue 18 Jun 2024
Uncommon Sense

Uncommon Sense – 11 June 2024

9am Tue 11 Jun 2024
Uncommon Sense

Uncommon Sense – 4 June 2024

9am Tue 4 Jun 2024
Uncommon Sense

Uncommon Sense – 28 May 2024

9am Tue 28 May 2024
Uncommon Sense

Uncommon Sense – 21 May 2024

9am Tue 21 May 2024