Move Your RRRs 16th Anniversary: A Photo Gallery Of The Move To Brunswick East!

15 January 2021

This week marks 16 years since Triple R relocated from Victoria Street in Fitzroy to its current digs at the corner of Blyth and Nicholson Streets in Brunswick East!

The move was a mammoth undertaking: over several years, a whole lotta dough was raised via benefit gigs, an auction, special lifetime subscriptions and more. Not to mention the contribution of countless hard-working and super-passionate volunteers and staff!

Take a peek at the hard yakka that went on behind the scenes – packing up Fitzroy, dismantling and moving the transmitter, the makeshift office set-ups in the new-but-unfinished building, the official broadcast crossover from Fitzroy to Brunswick East, between Stephen “The Ghost” Walker and Garry Seven at 7pm on Friday 14 January 2005, plus stacks more.

The Move Your RRRs campaign...

Move Your RRRs logo t-shirt

Packing up at Fitzroy...

Packing up Fitzroy 1 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East
Packing up Fitzroy 2 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East
Packing up Fitzroy 3 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East
Packing up Fitzroy 4 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East

Dismantling the transmitter...

Dismantling transmitter 1 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary

RRR archives

Dismantling transmitter 2 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary

RRR archives

Commencing work on the Brunswick East building...

Work commencing 1 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary

RRR archives

Work commencing 2 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary

RRR Archives

Work commencing 3 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary

The Perfomance Space... without a roof!

RRR archives

Work commencing 4 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary

RRR archives

Work commencing 5 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary

RRR archives

Work commencing 6 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Work commencing 7 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Work commencing 8 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary

Slowly coming together...

Slowly coming together 1 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Slowly coming together 2 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Slowly coming together 3 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Slowly coming together 4 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Slowly coming together 5 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Slowly coming together 6 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Slowly coming together 7 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Slowly coming together 8 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Slowly coming together 9 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Slowly coming together 10 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary

Officially switching over transmission from Fitzroy to Brunswick East...

Officially switching over 1 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Officially switching over 2 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Officially switching over 3 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary
Officially switching over 4 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary

The temporary office set-up in the Performance Space...

Office 1 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East
Office 2 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East
Temporary office in Performance Space 2 - 16 year move to Brunswick East anniversary

Radiothon PRC training session in 2005

A temporary studio set-up...

Up and running 3 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East

Finishing touches to the office...

Finishing the office 2 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East
Finishing the office 3 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East
Finishing the office 4 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East
Finishing the office 1 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East

The first finished studio!

Up and running 2 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East

Another temporary studio (to later become Triple R's official Studio 3)...

Up and running 1 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East

And the first finished production studio!

Office 2 - 16 year anniversary moving into Brunswick East