Listen to the Bla Mela Stori Project

9 June 2023
Bla Mela Stori

Katherine Regional Arts in the Northern Territory recently received some funding from the Federal Government to deliver a program of digital arts development into remote Indigenous communities in the NT.

Interested young adults (between the ages of 18-30) attended free workshops on how to create digital storytelling. The workshops taught things like interview and microphone technique, so that participants could use the skills to record meaningful yarns of personal and cultural relevance to them. They were then paid to produce their narrative audio stories.

These stories were recorded by the river, fire, or in community homes and backyards and produced with a best-practice approach to ethical and empowering storytelling methods.

A bunch of these Indigenous-produced audio stories are now available online to listen to freely! Head to Soundcloud to listen to the Bla Mela Stori project.