International Women’s Day 2020 on Triple R

6 March 2020

This Sunday 8 March Triple R is celebrating International Women’s Day with an all-women and GNC lineup of hosts. Plus special guest Mo’Ju will program her favourite First Nations women and GNC artists from 1pm to 2pm. It’s gonna be pretty special.

Here's the full lineup:

6am to 9am Tracee Hutchison hosts Vital Bits

9am to 10am Radio Marinara hosted by Bron & Fam with Nerida from LiveWire

10am to 11am G-Spot and Training Wheels co-host Radiotherapy

11am to Midday Dr. Jen, Krystal and Linden Ashcroft talk science on Einstein A Go-Go

Midday to 1pm Sally Christie (Primal Screen) and Megan McKeough (Zero-G) discuss their favourite women and GNC characters in cinema

1pm to 2pm Special guest Mo’Ju showcases her favourite First Nations women and GNC artists

2pm to 4pm Neon Sunset’s Annaliese takes over with the Redlich Radio Method

4pm to 6pm Jazz Feldy hosts Good Fortune

6pm to 8pm Eva Lubulwa from Highly Melanated presents two hours music from women and GNC artists of colour

8pm to 9pm Mia Timpano (Requiem For A Scream) showcases the work of women and GNC artists in metal and hardcore

9pm to 10pm Bec Fary, host of SleepTalker, explores experimental music and sound art, with a focus on local queer, trans and non-binary artists

10pm to Midnight Superfluity’s Clem Bastow brings the evening to a stunning finish

Midnight to 2am IWD kick-ons with Mixed Signals, brought to you by HNYMLK

We hope you enjoy this incredible day of talent and radio goodness. And Happy International Women’s Day!

Mo'Ju on Out On The Patio

Mo'Ju in the Triple R studios back in 2018

Photo by Xavier Fennell