Tropical F*ck Storm - A Laughing Death In MeatspacePlay Jump to playlist

Tropical F*ck Storm is Gareth Liddiard, Fiona Kitschin, Lauren Hammel and Erica Dunn, and A Laughing Death in Meatspace is their debut album. It rages with an elemental force that's been gathering across a series of 7" singles and live shows over the past 8 months or so.

The band name invites metaphors because they feel so accurate when listening to the record. These are wildly unpredictable cyclonic songs: charged with electricity, delivered with a galeforce strength. The lyrics rain down with stories of our nature. Tales as old as humanity, current as today's weather forecast, and prophetic as tomorrow's outlook.

Tropical F*ck Storm - A Laughing Death In Meatspace

A Laughing Death in Meatspace

Tropical F*ck Storm