Universal Spring Fling Edition: Onyx, Lallic, Slippy Mane, Claudy Knight, Hoi Polloi, Anita Lester & Willing


7:00 pmFriday, 2 November 2018


John Curtin Hotel

29 Lygon St, Carlton VIC 3053

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Universal rings in Scorpio season with its most ambitious event to date. Forget your bling ring, this is a SPRING FLING and our cup runneth over with a roster of TALENT that will leave you writhing for more!

From folk rock to avant pop, new soul to trap, Universal continues to elevate the music and words of those in the margins.

Spoken Word Ambient Knee Play
**Feat: Jamali, Panda, Sioness, Sol Ophis **

Anita Lester
Hoi Polloi
Claudy Knight
Lailic x Slippy Mane

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