Story Wise Women is a place for women to be heard and bear witness, be moved and connected, make meaning and laugh. It is Melbourne's only storytelling event for women. This is an open opportunity 8 - 10 women to tell a 5 - 10 minute true story - no notes, it happened to you, and for the rest of us to listen. There is no obligation to tell a story, listeners are needed just as much as tellers.
Tell us a story about serendipity, the stars aligning, it all falling into place, being in the right pace at the right time. Then again, maybe tell us about when you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, when it all fell apart, when the stars collided in catastrophe. Share a story with the 20:20 vision of hindsight, when the signs were all there but you didn't see them, when it all makes sense only now. Tell us about the fateful day, the fated meeting, the chance encounter, the things that 'were meant to be'. Wait, isn't that all of it? Or is it? Let the story lead the way.
Venue details
Wesley Anne
250 High Street, Northcote
- (03) 9482 1333