He is best known as the lead singer (and guitarist/pianist) with popular rock band, Thirsty Merc.
But Rai Thistlethwayte began his career in music as a jazz pianist, working in Sydney with Errol
Buddle, James Muller and Dale Barlow, among others. The success of Thirsty Merc has meant
that he has channelled most of his time and energy in that direction. But Rai's jazz chops are well
and truly intact, as he showed with memorable concerts at Wangaratta Jazz and Stonnington
Jazz Festivals in 2011-12.
In recent years, Rai has been recording and performing here and in the States in solo, duo and
trio formats, as Sun Rai. And he has been a featured guest with James Morrison, Christian
McBride and The Subterraneans.
"It's a well-kept secret that Rai is an outstanding jazz pianist... I consider Rai the most exciting
young jazz pianist to emerge in this country in recent years." - Mark Isaacs
Venue details
Bird's Basement
11 Singers Ln, Melbourne
- 0403 454 152 (text message)
- https://birdsbasement.com/