Spring breaks through Winter's soggy socks and young men’s mind turn to beer and touch football, while young women dressed as Kate Bush cycle round in circles to get dizzy, as cashed up bogans attending The Block Open Day sit in traffic texting with fat fingers and working mothers with toddlers rush past, hunting for bargains at Costco and Audi.
Yes its Spring Fever – the time of human sacrifices, the Fool King and a sweaty roll in the harvest hay bale with your illiterate cousins.
To catch this titillating moment in the cosmic cycle -
Malcolm Hill and Live Flesh
a night of Gaudy Entertainment
Featuring music from the dirtiest filthiest sleaziest obscure 1970s soul funk disco catalogue plus songs from their 2019 album Harmony and Destiny.
Venue details
Merri Creek Tavern
111 High Street Northcote, Victoria, Australia