Luke Velu, Sassafras, Teacup Rhino


7:00 pmFriday, 24 August 2018


Sooki Lounge (Belgrave)

1648 Burwood Highway Belgrave

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Belgrave in August is usually cold. But Sooki Lounge has local musician Luke Velu playing HOT, groovy, psychedelic songs. Thrashing his acoustic guitar early will generate sweat, then his band will be plugged into the mains, easily as useful as electric heaters, cranking some passionate rock sounds from his project The Future of Love, hiphop from his new EP, some covers & some old songs that have echoed throughout many Belgrave bars for the past decade.

Luke has performed his songs throughout Australia for the past 20 years. Sometimes solo, otherwise with a band. His songs are born from significant realizations. With a large back catalog, & great new songs poised for release, stay tuned.

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