Let's face it - Sundays are not meant to be hectic. After an entire week of chaos, the last thing you need on your day of sabbath is yet another committment to clog up your FB feed. But what if I told you there was one gig that would change everything? A gig so precious & wholesome that not even the Lord himself would disapprove?
Dan Daniel (pictured here on his 8th birthday holding an Avril Lavigne CD) will be performing a set of Jarrow songs on acoustic guitar and upright piano at Some Velvet Morning. New material never before heard by anyone & old classics always heard by everybody. Joining him for this free show is your favourite baroque pop legend Imogen Cygler.
Venue details
Some Velvet Morning
123 Queens Pde Clifton Hill
- (03) 9486 5192
- https://www.facebook.com/somevelvetmorning123/events/