Clowns, Outright, Psychobabel


7:00 pmThursday, 15 August 2019


The Last Chance

238 Victoria St Melbourne VIC 3000

More details ↓

It may not be public news to everyone, but it has come to our attention that our music community is facing potential strife. A number of our most adored venues are really struggling to keep afloat.. For whatever reason, across the board of Melbourne’s smaller venues, shows are being less attended and bands are far less motivated to promote their shows.. Call it the weather, call it whatever you want, but we have heard it first hand from our friends at the venues themselves and the fact is, we really need to start supporting the places that make Melbourne great before it's too late!

KEEPIN' THE DIVE ALIVE is what we are here to do. In August we'll be playing five shows in five days at some of the very places that supported us from the very beginning. We'll be playing all of our albums IN FULL, as well as an all ages show at the end. Dates and supports are as follows..

Venue details