Trip Magazine Advertising

The Trip Radiothon 2018 Edition

The Trip is a full colour publication that is direct-mailed to over 12,000 loyal Triple R subscribers three times a year. Within the magazine, you'll find articles written by Triple R presenters, staff and volunteers, on a whole range of topics. The magazine is fondly admired for its informative and irreverent take on culture, music, literature, broadcast technology, and general informative discussion.

There are very few media outlets that offer the diversity of programming that we do at Triple R. This diversity is reflected in The Trip magazine and that speaks to the broad nature and interests of our passionate subscribers.

Trip magazine advertising space is limited in each edition, which means that each message is not lost in a sea of marketing materials. Advertising in The Trip offers a unique opportunity to reach our attentive, socially aware, and culturally active listeners who are receptive to information regarding events, products and services in the Melbourne and Victorian communities.

We also include complimentary ads on our website and in our eNews with most Trip magazine advertising bookings, with a variety of packages available for different budgets. Our website receives more than 185,000 unique visitors and 370,000 page views per month, and our weekly eNews goes out to over 32,000 people each Monday. Advertising across mediums guarantees your message will reach as broad an audience as possible.

For advertising costs, download the PDF rate sheet below or email The Trip Editor, Catherine Huang.

The Trip Rates and Specs Card Radiothon 2024