One of the most acclaimed and groundbreaking new shows of recent years, KAGAMI is an extraordinary and profoundly moving performance by Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto.

KAGAMI is a collaboration between mixed reality pioneers Tin Drum and Sakamoto. Sakamoto’s internationally-acclaimed body of work ranges from influential electronic pioneers Yellow Magic Orchestra to his hugely acclaimed soundtrack work Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence, The Revenant and The Last Emperor, for which he won an Academy Award.

KAGAMI is a new kind of performance. Audiences are invited to wear glasses that fuse three-dimensional moving images with the real world. The result is an intimate encounter with Sakamoto and a ground-breaking mixed reality performance experience. A truly immersive work that removes any barrier between the performance, the audience and the artist himself, KAGAMI puts you on the stage with Sakamoto.

Triple R Subscribers can enter the competition below to win a double pass to KAGAMI, part of Asia TOPA, on Saturday 22 February for the 9:00am session at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Winners name and email will be shared with the sponsor for ticketing purposes only.